New profile posts

WB Billy-
Did you notice the "New Post" button at the top of the menu in Forums? It will get you a list of any new posts since you last were on. I find it the most useful.
C U N last of May!
I started a thread in the York Rite subforum about the Templars if you are interested.
hey brother Winter... I've been looking for about a month or so... and I thought I'd ask where I can get ahold of some of the hebrew rappers you mentioned here back a while...

also, have you checked out Matisyahu?
Hi Father,
Catholic Priest?? Not very common in Freemasonry! Tell us a little about yourself in the Initiation Threads.
Mike Donahue
Hey, John. I don't know why it took me this long, but I just added you as a contact and clicked the friend button. Anyhow ... I need a mentor. I have a great idea for a book that I AM going to write, but I'm going to need help marketing that book. Additionally, I see that you give presentations to GL's, etc. Are those paid gigs? Do you get to market and sell your books there? I'm at a point in my life where I want to do something, heck, I need to do something, to feed my family; to engage my mind, heart and soul; to embrace and teach what I have learned from the Craft. Any pointers?
Got your friend request. I'm kinda particular. Tell me a bit about yourself. Where are you, what lodge, how long a Mason, what do you do?
Brother Max-CoachN posted crowing about the Masonic Passport you made for him. I've carried one for a couple of years, and am now on my second one. Do you make them for sale?
Bob Franks
Where is Mt. Carmel 303 located? I ask because I know a Brian who is a Pastor/Chaplain in the Army. Just wondering if it is the same guy.
I am in the Las Vegas area. Please excuse the delay, I have not viewed the website for a number of months.. Thank you for the message Jesse
Brother Jason, we meet for Communications at 7:30pm (6:30pm - dinner) on the 3rd Tuesday of most months except July/Aug when we go dark. Our next Degree (EA) will be on Saturday 2-5-2011 at 9am.
Have you figured out the "New Posts!" button on the "FORUMS" page yet? That's how I keep up with the new stuff.
Have you figured out the "New Posts!" button on the "FORUMS" page yet? That's how I keep up with the new stuff.
Hello brother! merry christmas! i just happened to notice that you're from Granite City, IL... i was born and raised there until 1998.
Jacob Johnson