New profile posts

If you need assistance in the jurisdiction of Nebraska, don't hesitate to ask. I will provide help if it is within the length of my cabletow.
i like the thread on astral travel any pointers
CoachN, It's Bro. Bob Hunter from TSS. It's nice to see you here as well... I just recently decided to check out this site as well...

Travel well!
I had just read your post you posted under the Myths thread. I understand that you are a member of Shriner's. I just wanted to say that I have much respect for Shriner's. If it weren't for Shriner's going out of their way to help other people regardless of what they may say, a lot of people would be in a world of hurt. My brother, for example, has spina bifida. No doctor around would take him. My mom had taken him to Shriner's to get him help. Since then I have been intrigued by Shriner's and what they do to help other people. I don't think there is anyone out there they can compare to the help and happiness that Shriner's gives to people who need help. It was because of the Shriner's and because of my eagerness to learn about religious history that got me so intrigued in Freemasonry.

I personally would like to thank a Shriner for the commitment you guys have for your community!

Greetings iMav. I saw you mention that a good friend of yours s a Mason and a Buddhist. I am a Buddhist too. Do you know what your friend does for ritual scripture in Masonic ritual? I have no problem using the Bible, especially the New Testament. I have also been looking at Buddhist scripture (it is the largest collection of religious scripture on the planet) and I think the Mahaprajnaparamita would be my choice. But I have no problems with taking an oath on a Bible. Thanks, Lee in Mpls, MN
I see that you list biker under your name. What are you riding? I just picked up a 98 VT1100C3 and have been riding for the last 3 months, much to the displeasure of my wife. Look forward to hearing from you.